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Vintage and Antique Glass Collectibles Information
Glass Collectibles includes vintage glass from the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries, primarily made by Canadian Glass and US Glass companies. At The Glass Menagerie, we specialize in Utilitarian Glass, Household Table and Decor Glass, Pressed and patterned glass to Fine Blown Glass and Engraved Crystal. We carry vases, bowls, goblets, decanters, candlesticks, spooners, pedestal cake stands, celery vases, bells, lamps, etc. Collecting early hand-made glass in good condition whether for display or home use is becoming more difficult as time goes on. Glass is always available but today, it is usually completely machine made, unlike the speciality glass made by skilled craftsmen in our collections, a remembrance of our ancestors time and way of life.

Ale & Wine Glass pre-1900 - NOW DISCOUNTED 50% TO CLEAR - is a collection of early glass from North America and European countries. Each piece has a unique purpose and style, each was completely hand made through the art of mouth blown or blow-mold production. Each has unique characteristics such as separate applied stems and bases and many were hand engraved by spinning copper wheel or ground into shape by hand with special grinders. All pieces are in excellent condition without damage or serious wear. Most of this collection is 18th and 19th Century and becoming very rare for collectors. The glass of this period was mainly clear or crystal as creating colored glass was still being perfected. Therefore, colored glass of this period is even more rare.

Swanky Swig is a name given by the Kraft Food company to small table glasses that originally contained samples of Kraft cheese spreads during the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's in Canada and the United States. Produced in the USA by the Hazel Atlas Glass Co. and in Canada by Dominion Glass, each had a metal snap lid and each was hand decorated with stencil and glass enameling paint later heated to help retain the image. There are many collectible patterns to be found, some of the more difficult to find in good condition are the original tulips in pots and the Galleon. Bustlin' Betsy, Kiddie Kups, Country Nostalgia series & Bachelor Button patterns were added during the early 1950's. Collectors should be aware - 3 1/4" glasses and the 4 1/2" were available only in Canada. The standard and most common size of 3 1/2" were distributed in the United States as well as Canada. Also look for the taller 3 3/4" and 4 1/4" tall swankys in most patterns. Finding Swankys in good to excellent condition is difficult today as modern automatic dishwashers quickly wear off the patterns and destroy the glass surface reducing the values considerably.
Early Patterned & Pressed Glass 1875–1925 - NOW DISCOUNTED 50% TO CLEAR! -is primarily North American Glass from Canadian and American companies produced after the 1st World’s Fair in 1851 and just before the Great Depression of 1929 to 1939. This glass became the standard household product, was heavier and more substantial than the delicate blown glass and there were thousands of patterns simulating the finest cut glass patterns available at a fraction of the cost to produce and own. For collectors, finding this glass in pristine condition can be difficult as it was the most used of all the glass. The cup shown is an example of Early American Pressed Glass with a Ruby glass stain.
Modern Patterned & Pressed Glass 1940-1970 covers the balance of interesting mold-pressed glass of the last Century and was made primarily by American Glass companies, many no longer in production. This glass represented the last period of production using a combination of machine and hands-on finishing. The glass was more refined and imitated the finest blown goblets along with everyday tableware. This section covers glass that was discontinued at that time. Upon closing, some glass companies did not protect the re-use of their molds which were acquired by other glass companies. Some of the more popular items were re-introduced in the 1980’s and 90’s and are reproductions. All glass on this site is from original production only.
Brilliant Cut Period Glass 1880-1915 - NOW DISCOUNTED 50% TO CLEAR - also known as Rich Cut glass referred to high grade crystal cut in elaborate designs, some in all-over patterns with a specially designed wheel. The degree of talent and many hours needed to produce these items made them expensive during their time and even more so today. Famous North American companies included Dorflinger, Hawkes, Libbey, Tuthill, Roden, Gundy-Clapperton, Birks, Lakefield, etc.
Depression Period Glass – 1929 – 1939 – has a link button on our web site specifically for this period of glass produced during the Great Depression and leading up to the Second World War. See this category in the Pink Column to the left for colored and clear depression glass patterns.